Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Damming the Amazon River on 60 Minutes

I had goosebumps watching this report and can't really help but cursed to death the leadership of Brazil for allowing such a devastating project. I felt this is a strong development issue that need support from the international community. We need to rally behind the Indigenous People living within and depended their existence on the the river and the tropical rainforest. Such a beautiful and breathtaking nature gone soon and replaced by a towering dam...Damned them!


  1. This makes me sick, I don't know how they can live with themselves knowing how those dams r going to effect the tribes living in those villages. What gives them the right to take those innocent villagers land from them. God gave them that land thousands of years ago and they have kept it as pure and beautiful as the day they took their 1st steps on it!! Not only r they running humans off their natural born land, but they r going to destroy rain forest that we can't replace and we have already destroyed most of it and they r about to finish off what little is left. If people don't come together, not just the people from there,but people from all over the world. Not enough people know what is going on or understand the devastation that is coming. The effects of this negligence is not only going to effect that country but every country in the world. Think about the domino effect and the fact that God says what u do to one u do to all and it will effect us all. Even if it didn't we shouldn't just sit around and allow them to devastate a place like that!! We need to join together and stand up for these people cause they r fighting and being onerous come!! Our influential people of the US and other countries need to stand up for these people and this land. I am going to fight for these poeple but alone I wont b able to make much of a difference. But that fact will not keep me quite!!!

  2. I truly agree with you Jocie. It is pathetic how people can be so greedy and think of development for there own good. We need to keep this going so people understand and stand for this very important cause!
