This question has been bogging my mind after chatting with my cousin few days ago whose heart is taken by storm by opps I am not allowed to divulge. I am under contract of confidentiality (LOL).
Can we really make our destiny is a question that my mental inbox has been brimming with so many different thoughts difficult to assort and discern. It all started in the blog of my cousin titled “The Masochist in Us” read post in detail at http://enelya-thehopelessromantic.blogspot.com/2009/01/masochist-in-us.htm.In this post, she thoroughly explained why human beings are masochist. She is resolved with that. At the backdrop of this post, I can see a young woman who is going through a journey of pain in loving. A young woman bombarded with uncertainties of taking risk. A young woman who is indeed a masochist. But do you think her decision to keep her feelings towards the man she affectionately desire will bring her to her destiny?
So our exchange of thoughts segued to destiny. I am sure this one is a famous line - “Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice”, others firmly believe that “We make our own destiny”. I used to believe that destiny is defined by the choices and decisions we make everyday. But hey wait, what is destiny by the way? Is it the ultimate destination of living? Is it a process in itself as we journey through life? Is it the realization of ones dreams? Is it an oasis of life? I just realize now that we can indeed make decisions but not our destiny. My definition now of destiny is that “It is what it is”. A state in life where change is constant. Each of us has its own destiny. Whether we are in the state of living our dreams or we failed to achieve our goals - is destiny. We make decisions to reach our desired destinies but there’s no guarantee that the decisions we make can bring us to the destiny we envision. I don’t want to sound fatalistic and negative because I am not. I do believe that the most important thing is we make each day a learning platform that we can progress towards the achievement of our goals. We have to give our best shots at whatever we do to make meaning and purpose in living.
I do believe that we are not alone in this universe. We co-exist with other entities or bodies beyond our recognition and these entities can have a yin-yang influence on the decisions and choices we make everyday. There are many events in our lives that are beyond our control, beyond our grasp. I thought this is the very essence of what we call “the Wheel of Life” as they say “Bilog ang Mundo” (the world is round). Whatever we do in our lives, destiny will find and bring us to where we rightly belong. Our positive disposition, outlook and how we carry our selves however greatly influence the wheel of life. When we feel good about ourselves – there seem to be a confluence of the different cosmic energies that bring rewards and positive outcome.
Twist of fate is part of destiny that I am talking about. Let us use the subject of love to illustrate this point. People fall in love, out of love and they make decisions. Breaking up is hard to do the same thing as my cousin was pointing out that it is difficult to open up a feeling towards someone she’s resolved of the possible outcome. In this kind of scenario, do you think her decision will make up her destiny? Maybe not. Khalil Gibran – famous author and Nobel Peace Prize winner says in his book “Love will find you and dare not direct the course of love for if love finds you worthy will direct it’s course”. So no matter what kind of decision we make there is really no telling what happens at the end of the day. There are many flicks about love that we enjoyed watching in our fave theaters showing the mystery of love and mind you we also find this unfolding before our very eyes in the lives of the ordinary people around us. Read: Love is blind. Another cliché is “If your sweetie gives up the relationship, free him or her – if he/she comes back then is yours to keep”. Power of Karma is true: “what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down”.
We are all passers by in this universe and I think we should continue to dream and strive to find meaning in life and in the end believe in our hearts that one day destiny will find us.
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